Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence


The ML/AI platform is an AI driven price recommendation and insights platform to maximize profit and customer loyalty. Pricers and merchandisers need easy and intuitive ways to view price action recommendations, pricing strategies, and take actions on the pricing strategies. This would lead to maximizing profits and building customer loyalty.


How might we facilitate taking action on the price action recommendations for pricers and merchandisers, so that they can adjust price, change price, add a discount, and choose a pricing strategy at the FHC, Platform, Series, and Order Code levels, simply and intuitively.


80% Time decrease for price actions

  • Decreased the time to act on price recommendations at the order code level, series level, platform level, and FHC level
  • Increased the competitive advantage for various global pricing teams to sell and close deals by reducing the time to search for, analyze, and accept recommended price actions.
  • Decreased the time to view and select pricing strategies at all levels.


Design System not completely designed or coded, so we had to leverage the design system from AG Grid to speed up production and time to market.

The product team was in the initial stages of digital transformation, and as a design team, we had to help relationships to move them along that journey while proving .

Discovery and Framing

Stakeholder Map

Use a stakeholder map to map out the entire team that is responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for the product at every level.


We believe that global pricers and merchandisers need an easy way to act on price actions, which currenctly the process leads to time and revenue lost to implementing pricing strategy, and that if we created a fly in drawer so they can see, choose, and implement a pricing strategy, it would lead to global pricers viewing and implementing pricing strategies more quickly. This would decrease the cost of the time to implement a pricing strategy and increase revenue by allowing for a seamless way to take action on pricing strategies.


  • The only way the user changes price is at the order code level
  • The user needs the ability to track the price changes while they are pending implementation
  • What file format would the user require to export for integration into Jet.

How might we. . . .

How might we facilitate price action changes for pricers and merchandisers, so that they can adjust price, change price, or add a discount, to take action on the price recommendations and apply them to the individual order codes.

Pricer User Profile

Merchandiser User Profile

User Journey

User Interviews

Initial user interviews were conducted with the black and white wireframe prototye created from the initial business hypothesis.

Interview's Transcription

Recorded user interviews where uploaded to Otter.AI for transcription.

Interview's Data Synthesis

The transcribed interviews were synthesized in a Khanban board to find the recurring themes. This was done to discover the most importnat things to prioritize and go build

A task flow was created to figure out the critcal path that would solve the information and benefits flow based on data from the user research and the main persona.

What we learned

  • Fly in drawer initial hypothesis invalidated
  • Flexibility to take action (meaning the ability to go up and down between platform, series, product, and order code) on the recommended price changes, add coupons, or manually change prices from FHC, to platform, to series, to order code level is needed.
  • Change multiple order codes prices at the same time is needed.
  • Making changes at the order code level can sometimes be too granular.
  • Exporting an Excel file that can be easily integrated into Nebula and Jet is extremely important.
  • The existence of the Nebula platform was discovered and how it is used as a go between to Jet.
  • It's essential that the Nebula platform is integrated into pricing

Next steps

  • Refine and prioritize requirements
  • Brainstorm possible solutions
  • Build a mid- fi to hi- fi solution
  • Iteratively test and vet solution with users

Design Artifacts

Initial business solution - invalidated.

  • Fly in drawer to satisfy the price action need.


Sketches on a whiteboard where created, in collaboration with business analyst, subject matter experts, developers, and project managers, implementing the initial hypothesis.

B&W Wireframes

Low resolution wireframes where created by the design team, in collaboration with business analyst, subject matter experts, developers, and project managers, to test, get feedback on, and solve for the wanted outcomes.

Concept 1

High resolution wireframes where created by the design team, in collaboration with business analyst, subject matter experts, developers, and project managers, to test, get feedback on, and solve for the wanted outcomes.

Concept 2

High resolution wireframes where created by the design team, in collaboration with business analyst, subject matter experts, developers, and project managers, to test, get feedback on, and solve for the wanted outcomes.

Concept 3

High resolution wireframes where created by the design team, in collaboration with business analyst, subject matter experts, developers, and project managers, to test, get feedback on, and solve for the wanted outcomes.

Concept 4

High resolution wireframes where created by the design team, in collaboration with business analyst, subject matter experts, developers, and project managers, to test, get feedback on, and solve for the wanted outcomes.


  • Flexibility to take action (meaning the ability to go up and down between platform, series, product, and order code) on the recommended price changes, add coupons, or manually change prices from FHC, to platform, to series, to order code level is needed.
  • Change multiple order codes prices at the same time is needed.
  • Exporting an Excel file that can be easily integrated into Nebula and Jet is extremely important.