Enterprise Lead Practice Coach

Enterprise Lead Practice Coach


TThe design organization is having trouble recruiting, training, empowering, and retaining design talent. As a result, the different product lines that are supported by the design organization can suffer from a drop in production, slower time to market, loss of budget, and potential outsourcing of internal contracts.


  • Online asynchronous product design training total 6 courses
  • 4 courses for designers backed by data
  • 1 course for product managers
  • 1 course for developers
  • 1 course as an intro to the design system


    6 out of 7 courses have launched and have been taken as of 2/28/2022

  • Product design fundamentals completion course rate of 23.61% by Digital Experience organization
  • Balanced team Embedded designer completion course rate of 51.94% by Digital Experience organization
  • Business thinking for designer's completioncourse rate of 23.61% by Digital Experience organization
  • Product design for product managers completion course rate of 18.88% by Digital Experience organization
  • Product design for developer's completion course rate of 12.77% by Digital Experience organization
  • Intro to the design system completion course rate of 11.38% by Digital Experience organization


Design System not completely designed or coded, so we had to create an MVP look and feel design system as a stop gap measure for the initial launch, but could be rolled into the future iteration of the new design system to speed up production and time to market.

The product team was in the initial stages of digital transformation, and as a design team, we had to help build to move them along that journey while proving value.

Discovery and Framing


We believe that product designers lack understanding in how to operate in the product model, which leads to lack of clarity and consistency in their work, and if we provide enablement and training to on how to operate in the product model and represent the value of design, it will lead to being more empowered, having clarity, and delivering better outcomes for their balanced teams.


  • Designers lack understanding of the product model
  • Designers want to learn more about strategic business thinking
  • Designers want online asynchronous training
  • Product managers and developers want an understanding of the product model and the value of design

How might we. . . .

How might we provide continuous training, for new and legacy product designers, so they have a clear cut path to professional growth, career advancement, keep business partners happy, and enable designer retention and recruitment.

Discovery and Framing

A stakeholder map to map out the ecosystem of all the people that are responsible for the product. The RACI is overlayed on it to show the type of communication is needed at each level of the RACI.

Empathy Map Canvases

An Empathy Map Canvas is used to develop a deep understanding for all the users that are directly affected by the solution.


When the personas were put together, they included the overarching themes that applied to all designers. It became apparent the critical path moving forward. was to use the curriculum as a baseline and iterate on the enablement and training. outcomes.

User Journey

A uer journey was created to map out the various points of entry to the enablement platform. It was based on data from user interviews.

User Interviews Recordings

User Interviews Transcribed

User Interview Synthesized

What we learned

  • Design strategy is at the feature level not the roadmap level
  • Effective Communication strategy doesn't exist and causes problems in capacity, workflow, and strategy
  • Clarity needed as there is confusion on operating as a designer on a balanced team
  • Time for proper Discovery and Framing needed at both the roadmap and feature level
  • Misunderstanding of what a balanced team is
  • Team level product model education is needed

Let's move onliney

Next steps

  • First enablement and training on what the product model and working as a designer on balanced team is needed
  • Second business and strategy communications enablement and training is needed
  • Third research enablement, training, and resources are needed
  • Fourth product design fundamentals enablement and training is needed for more inexperienced designers

Build, Measure, Learn

Initial Balanced Team Presentation Decks

Initial Strategic Business Thinking Presentation Decks

Overarching Assumptions

  • We need to test if these four tracks are where the effort should be
  • We need to train in the essentials of design
  • We need to train designers in how to operate as an embedded designer on a balance team
  • We need to train designers on how to do business and business communication for designers
  • Managers have seen gaps that exist in embedded designers on balanced teams

Track 1 Outline

Track 2 Outline

Style Guide 1st Iteration

Syle Guide 2nd Iteration

Curriculum Tracks

Track 1 1st Iteration

Track 1 and 2 2nd Iteration

What happens next?

  • Designers receive formal continuous training
  • Designers become empowered to implement digital transformation
  • Designers can update their skills on an asynchronous online training experience
  • Digital Design organization brings greater value in terms of higher revenues, lower costs, and quicker time to market.